API Integrations

CBM Calculator On Your Website

You can now display the CBM Calculator on your website, seamlessly integrating it as part of your own web page. This tool allows your visitors to calculate the weight and volume of their consignments directly on your site, eliminating the need to navigate elsewhere. As a result, you'll see increased customer retention and acquisition. The CBM Calculator is compatible with various website structures, including WordPress, Bootstrap, HTML, and JavaScript.

We also offer assistance with integrating the CBM Calculator into your website. Please write an email to us, and if you have an active subscription to the CBM Calculator's API, we will help you get your website connected.

Used by over 200,000 users each month, this powerful tool offers several key benefits for your users:

  • Easily calculate volume in cubic meter or cubic feet
  • Multiple dimensions support (metric & imperial)
  • Estimate of product in containers

Type of Websites for CBM Calculator's API Integration

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Website built using HTML, CSS & JavScript. In case there is no frame work used for your website.

Check this link
HTML, CSS & Javascript


Website built using WordPress. If your website developed using WordPress as framework.

Check this link


Website built using Bootstrap. If your website developed using Bootstrap as framework.

Check this link

Here is an example of CBM Calculator integration to one of our client's website.

cbm calculator api html integration image cbm calculator api html integration image

Let us help you to integrate CBM Calculator

Integration may seem complex, but we are here to help! We can integrate a CBM Calculator into your website if you have an active subscription to CBM Calculator's API. Check the pricing API Pricing. Please contact us through contact us page